The biggest PRO in this game is that there is only ONE "timer" in it. What I mean by this is The ONLY thing you have to wait for is your troops to regen, which takes only an hour regardless of how many you have.
There are NO TIMERS on upgrading, meaning once you have the gold/"resources" you can instantly upgrade EVERYTHING. So you dont have to spend time earning resources and then be forced to wait x amount of time to upgrade something which is the case in almost every mobile game of this genre.
For example, in a game like clash of lords if you want to upgrade a building, you must wait a set amount of time for it to complete or use gems (real money) to speed the process up. THERE IS NONE OF THAT IN THIS GAME. You can upgrade equipment, buildings and lands in this game instantly. The ONLY thing that you must wait for is troop regeneration which as I said is only an hour no matter how many you have because of the way the game is set up.
Okay, the only con I want to mention here is PvP. Its extremely complex and there is no strait up tutorial for it. If you are motivated enough to learn it it *CAN* be rewarding and fun. I dont reccomend indi wars though unless you are able to have more BFA stats than stats from your actual buildings. Which takes trillions and trillions of gold.
Serenityx1234029483828 about Kingdoms at War - Hardcore RTS, v1.93